How to Make Your Customers Happy?

how to make your customer happy

If you aspire to have a fruitful and prosperous online business nowadays, it is insufficient to just close the sales. You need to convince your clients so that they find your business more attractive than your competitors. This is how to make your customers happy. The process is not that simple, as it seems to be.

Nowadays everybody is looking at businesses that promote a “client-focused” agenda. However, when you directly get down to it, you can see the actual scenario. Half of the brands are failing to maintain the agenda and hence are massively failing to maintain customer loyalty. Almost 81% of organizations that provide good customer support have shown significant improvement over their rivals, as indicated by the 2009 “Client Experience Maturity Monitor” report from the Peppers and Rogers Group. Brilliant entrepreneurs realize that each client relationship lost, to either a contender or something else, costs them a normal of $289 every year. 

In case you’re figuring out, you can simply compensate for that cost with new clients. Turns out, it costs six to multiple times more to obtain another client than it does to hold a current one. In case you are prepared to enable your clients to become completely enamored with your business, figure out more potential ways to do so in the future.

Guaranteeing that you can make your customers happy and keep them content with your business is a significant key to business achievement. Disappointed clients can form a barrier to your business ventures. First, they are never going to return and additionally they can direct adverse sentiments toward others that will shield them from doing business with you. Satisfied and happy clients are most likely to return, and the one’s satisfactory service more than once, they become loyal to your brand.

Satisfying clients isn’t tied in with having a ‘the client is always correct’ philosophy. That approach leads to ‘us’ versus ‘them’ outlook that can go wrong. Giving extraordinary client support isn’t about somebody being correct and somebody being off-base. It is tied in with doing all that you can to guarantee that clients’ needs are met. Genuine client assistance comes down to comprehending what clients require and expect – and ensuring that those necessities and desires are met.

Here’s why customer loyalty is important.

To have potential clients, you should initially give items or administrations that proceed as guaranteed and the possibility of value comes in this place. As indicated by Quality Digest, one approach to characterize quality is essentially “addressing the client’s needs in a way that surpasses the client’s desires.” 

At the point when you address client issues and desires, you will have fulfilled clients – and this ought to be a base adequate edge for any business. To give genuinely extraordinary client assistance, in any case, you should not stop by simply addressing needs. Excellent specialist centers on surpassing the client’s desires.

customer happyness tips

Tips for cultivating customer loyalty

Making your customers happy is one of the primary aspects that you should focus on. At the point where you focus on catering to the client’s needs so that you can surpass their desires, you are making it feasible for clients to go too far from being simply fulfilled to being glad – and that is the place where customer loyalty originates from.

Manage expectations

Sometimes client’s expectations and needs can be overwhelming. Therefore, service providers must analyze the client’s expectations so that they are realistic and sensible. If you persuade that, your products can convey more than it truly can and that makes way for client disappointment. To give successful client support, it is frequently important to help teach clients about what they can practically anticipate.

Take responsibility

Organizations – and their representatives – must assume liability for client assistance. The fact or the notion that customer service is the responsibility of a particular individual or a particular administration should be dispelled. Customer administration is everybody’s job. At the point when clients work with your organization, they are working with the association in general. The people they collaborate with are agents of the organization, and the words and activities of each organization delegate their general discernments and client experience. 

Get your representatives prone to think that they must discover an answer instead of agonizing over whether a particular solicitation falls in their job description or not. Support them and give them the power to do so. Your accountant may not be responsible for fixing any broken parts of the business but at the same time, if a client requests help, they can guide the client to the best individual or division to deal with his/her problems. Moreover, occasionally a client simply needs an apology for the problems or the inconvenience they faced. Regardless of whether the organization was at fault or not, it is the customer service provider’s responsibility to respond with “I am sorry for your dissatisfaction” or “I am so sorry you are having this experience.”

Build an emotional connection

Emotional connections with customers are much more emphasized than the logical factors. People act on emotions and thus maintain a strong relationship with customers can guarantee success for your organization largely. Reasonable variables aren’t the main ones that impact the customer’s dynamic procedures. As per research, emotional factors have more than 50percent impact. An article regarding business strategies states that “Feelings shape the perspectives that drive choices and conduct. What’s more, they sway conduct undeniably more than specialized or useful variables.”  

The keys to making an enthusiastic association begin with guaranteeing that all that you do – from the messages you convey to your representatives to your organization’s general procedures – are structured concerning the client’s interest. At the point when you speak with representatives about their obligations, do as such as far as how their activities sway clients. While setting up the methodology, consider how the procedure will appear to clients. This will better permit you to reliably show regard for clients and be receptive to their requirements. By putting your clients at the focal point of everything, you will create strong emotional bonds with your clients.

Communicate effectively

Discussing successfully with your clients includes both giving and learning. What you state to clients matters, as does how you say it – however listening to them is similarly as significant, possibly more so. It is certainly imperative to pick your words cautiously, picking the customer’s preferred language and a fitting tone. For instance, center around how your items and administrations address the clients’ issues, de-accentuating an emphasis on yourself or your organization to abstain from appearing to be self-serving or egotistical.

Listening to clients requires truly focusing on what your clients are stating – allowing them to talk, however taking care of their words and nonverbal messages. As CSM, an online magazine for client support experts brings up, “hearing isn’t equivalent to listening that is simply receiving sounds isn’t equivalent to focusing on them.” Effective listening includes setting aside the effort to ensure you truly comprehend clients’ points of view, requesting input from them, and reacting fittingly.

Be responsive

Clients are most satisfied with the administration who gives importance to them and are receptive to their requirements. Social media platforms have changed the entire way of living and thus expanded client expectations for responsiveness. No matter what the organizations need to adopt these changes to succeed. Since clients can connect (or vent) utilizing such a large number of online networking outlets, organizations must be proactive in observing and reacting to concerns of the customers. As per the Get Satisfaction blog,” clients expect a reaction from you each time they connect with you on any channel they choose…quickly.”

You should keep your business profiles updated in as many platforms as you can monitor. Further, social discussions with clients ought to be made accessible to different clients as fitting. It is essential to treat client care through social media as well as through phone correspondence. Respond every time clients start a discussion and follow up instantly until and unless the goal is accomplished.

18 Facts and statistics that influence Buying Behavior of a Customer

  1. It has been found out that 68 percent of the customers abandon a brand on emotional factors. They tend to leave the brand because of the ill-treatment or any inconvenience caused by the company’s part.
  2. On an average basis, it has been found that loyal customers worth up to 10x times as their first purchase.
  3. It has been found out 48 percent of the dissatisfied customers have shared their discontentment with more than ten other individuals.
  4. Almost 64 percent of customers claimed that shared brand values are the primary reason for having a strong relationship with an organization.
  5. It has been found out that 80 percent of the negative reviews come from customers who expect the company to respond to their issues in less than an hour. This is usually not possible for most of the companies due to huge amounts of requests.
  6. It has been found out that more than 78 percent of customers cancel an intended transaction due to poor user experience on the website.
  7. Research says that it takes up to 12 consecutive positive experiences to resolve one negative and unresolved issue.
  8. Almost 68 percent of the customer abandons a particular brand or organization due to an indifferent attitude received from the manager, or the owner, or some employees of the organization.
  9. To acquire a new customer is 6 to 7 times costlier than keeping the old customers.
  10. It has been found out that almost 3 out of 5 individuals (that is almost 59 percent) tend to try out newer brands or organizations in expectation of a better customer care service.
  11. Almost 70 percent of the buying experiences depends on how customers are being treated and how they feel about it.
  12. Employees do not ask the customer’s name for almost 79 percent of the time.
  13. According to research, customers tend to spend 20 to 40 percent more money on the organizations with which they can keep contact via social media platforms.
  14. Almost 89 percent of the customers started doing business with other competitor companies due to poor or inconvenient customer care services.
  15. It has been found out that 73 percent of consumers trust their family and friend’s verdicts and recommendations, and only 19 percent trust direct email.
  16. Almost 50 percent of customers allows a company to respond to their query within a week and after that, they start doing business with some other enterprise.
  17. Consumers tend to share their negative customer care experience 2x more time than that of a positive experience.
  18. It has been found that a 5 percent increase in customer retention can bring about a 25 to 100 percent profits for the enterprise. This can be through repurchase, upsells, or even referrals.

Read more about why businesses fail to maintain customer loyalty.

Metrics to improve customer retention

No matter what industry or what business you are running, the customer retention rate is one of the major pointers in measuring how happy your customers are with your brands and how loyal are they going to be in the long run. If your customer retention capabilities are on point, you can make your customers happy.

  • According to research by Bain and Co. a small 5 percent increase in customer retention can lead up to 75 percent of overall organizational profit
  • According to a study by the Gartner Group statistics, almost 80 percent of the future revenues of the company come from only 20 percent of the existing customers of your company.

Retention rate: ((Ce – Cn)/Cs)) X 100

Ce= remaining number of customers at the end of the prevailing period

Cn= number of a newer customer acquired at the time of the period

Cs= number of customers at the beginning of the period

Customer retention increases the value of the customer’s lifetime. This multiplier increases the statistics exponentially. This deserves proper attention from every marketer.

You can and ought to follow your consistency standard and client lifetime esteem. However, we are going to look at the key execution markers (KPIs) that impact the degree of consistency, and are regularly neglected. You need to gauge consumer loyalty at whatever point you can, yet you would prefer not to overwhelm your clients with studies and surveys either. Rather, for progressively steady information, you can screen the accompanying KPIs to get a thought of how fulfilled your clients are without asking them.

Average retaliation time

Reaction times can assume a huge job in consumer loyalty and this is the greatest supporter of client maintenance. We are continually reminded that to make the last deal, you should be promptly accessible to your possibilities and development, yet that exertion should proceed significantly after they leave all necessary signatures. Nothing is more disappointing to a client than an organization that is unable to provide any assistance when they are facing certain issues. Regardless of whether it is disregarding a glitch that a client has announced, or neglecting to react to an inquiry in an email, this sort of carelessness can turn even the greatest supporter sharp on your association. Without your clients, you would have no business, so it’s imperative to ensure that they feel acknowledged and get quality assistance consistently.

You have to watch out for your correspondence outlets and be prepared and ready to respond to any inquiries, over any arrangements, or address any issues that may emerge in an opportune way. If your consumer loyalty rates are low, investigate your normal retaliation times. If they are high, this is a fast and basic spot for you to begin making upgrades. Consider separating your reaction times into your most mainstream outlets: telephone, email, and live visit. 


Research has discovered that about 53% of clients accept three minutes to be a satisfactory reaction time when looking out for a client assistance operator to accept their call. Do you realize to what extent your business keeps its clients pausing? We as a whole know the sentiment of being stuck waiting for what appears to be a lifetime. Try not to resemble those organizations. Begin following your reaction time and attempt to keep it within a minimal amount of time. 


Responding to client messages is very easy and accessible. The general guideline states that a client should get a response within 24 to 48 hours if it is via email. However, most buyers now expect a response within one business day. Truth be told, the ideal email reaction time from shoppers is drawing nearer to 60 minutes. This could be overwhelming to respond to each client’s emails within 60 minutes. However, you do not have to stress over this as long as you respond to your clients within two to three business days. According to research on business analysis, half of the customers wait until a week before they give up on your organization surrender an organization and start framing a negative impression.

Live chat

Offering live visit support on your site is an exceptionally effective approach to give client care. It is way different and efficient than the calling system. However, you can help only a few clients on live talk. You can pose inquiries and investigate progressively, rather than sitting tight for reactions on the opposite end. There are many service providers available for your association to browse and keep logs of all collaborations with clients.

Customer referrals

In case you are not previously following client referrals, you have to begin. Your best clients are additionally your best salesmen. At the point when they are cheerful, they will give tributes, leave audits, and in particular, allude their companions, family, and colleagues to your image. If you have tons of client referrals, then it is assumable that you have high customer loyalty for your brand. If your clients are not recommending your brands to their friends and families, it doesn’t imply that they are not content with your item or administration. It just implies that maybe there is room for improvement. 

Subsidiary or motivator programs are extremely important assets that advertisers have been utilizing until the end of time. In addition to the fact that they reward clients for furnishing you with new business, however, they furnish you with a few significant experiences. Referral projects probably won’t be perfect for a wide range of organizations, however, all organizations ought to follow client referrals to decide whether it ever could introduce a verbal promoting opportunity.

Repeat purchases

Client maintenance is very important and it increases the chances of repeated purchase from your organization. Organizations that sell items find it difficult to measure customer retention and client maintenance. How will you exactly know that whether the customers you are approaching have already been attracted to your business or them looking for some other option?

The appropriate answer to this question will be the repeat purchase statistic. While a portion of your clients may voice their affection or disappointment of your item via social media or on your site, the vast majority will reveal to you how glad they are by proceeding to purchase your item time after some time. Most e-commerce platforms will assist you to track these KPIs. Therefore, you do not require having any specialized technical assistance. However, improving this measurement is up to you and it begins with incredible client care.

Activity before conversion

Presently, most organizations that practice inbound marketing follow this system. However, a lot of organizations that are new to this procedure tend to disregard it. Most groups focus more on acquiring new business and wind up dismissing the improvement of client unwaveringness. Following your client’s conduct and action on your site, and their social media engagement, and through email showcasing is as significant now as it was at the point at where they were just a lead. Along these lines, in a perfect world, you would prefer to see your present clients keep on drawing in with your substance and keep you at top of their preference list when it comes time to make another buy or allude a companion. Your client’s behavior discloses a great deal about their preferences and if they are satisfied with your brand or not. From there you can analyze whether your customers are willing to stay as a trusted client even in the future. Some of the major KPIs that should be tracked is: 

  • Pages viewed
  • Average time spent on the site
  • The rate of opening an email
  • The through rate of clicking an email
  • The rate of the number of items added to the cart

One reason that organizations have such a great amount of progress with Inbound Marketing is that it achieves client procurement and maintenance simultaneously. By estimating all that you can, as frequently as possible, you are continually gaining from your clients and improving your business. Over the long haul, there is no better method to make your clients more joyful and keep them around for quite a while.

Ways to keep your customers using inbound marketing

While the facts confirm that inbound is an exceptionally powerful procedure for creating drives that are by all accounts, not the only region where it sparkles. Luckily, inbound advertising is ideal for keeping clients upbeat. Inbound is intended to “charm” clients through their whole lifecycle with your organization starting from their first purchase to the last. The keys for keeping clients upbeat through inbound promoting are:

Promote customer-focused content

The client-focused substance is one of the best methods to make your customers happy. Your customers already trust you enough to stay loyal to your brand. Sending them the regular old content that you would send to somebody who has recently found your brand doesn’t make any difference. Maybe, with time, clients may outgrow your item or never again need your administrations. However, with the right inbound promoting technique they will leave you with only beneficial comments and positive audits to give to their friends.

Educational content

Ensure that you apportion a piece of your promoting procedure for educating the older clients so that they can understand your industry better and comprehend the estimation of your items and administrations. You can do this in various manners, for example, supporting free online classes, parting with free eBooks, drafting item related posts, and leading client online instructional courses.

Online events

The best way to create quality content that will engage the customer engagement is to assimilate contents that are both online and offline. For example, any organization can support a quarterly online class or gather for its customers and clients. 

Online hangouts and webinars can feature speakers from your association or maybe your partners. It may be costly to have a yearly offline program, yet a virtual gathering gives you this brilliant chance to help customers on Facebook Live or an online course stage.

Building relationship via social media

The connection among organizations and clients has advanced a lot with the ascent of online life. In earlier days, individuals did not want brands via online networking media since they saw it as publicizing spam. However, those perspectives have changed as brands have figured out how to associate with individuals such that they appreciate it. On the off chance that your organization posts content only to sell something, it is not likely you will assemble an incredible relationship. Whatsoever on the off chance that you draw in with fans and offer important, engaging, or enlightening substance that is fit to the stage, individuals will gladly have you on their timetable next to family and friends. A functioning social nearness will consistently pull in more consideration and mindfulness than one that hasn’t been refreshed in months.

Customer care

One of the most mainstream approaches to hold clients through inbound promotion is by tending to inquiries, issues, and different parts of client care utilizing web-based social networking.

This technique was promoted by Comcast utilizing their ‘Comcast Cares’ Twitter account. While Comcast might be a huge association, organizations of any size can use the intensity of internet-based life to give quick and productive client service that fulfills customers’ needs and requirements.

Always ask for feedback

Receiving feedback is one of the greatest and most important advantages clients can offer brands. Rather than running costly and tedious statistical surveys, solving queries by email, and via social networking media, or by observing what individuals need to state, can offer many more insights for your organization. You can even improvise this further and share the study results with your clients (as Domino’s did when they redid their menu.) This is what Rocco Baldassarre said in an Entrepreneur article about utilizing straightforwardness to keep customers more joyful. Individuals welcome this degree of straightforwardness and when they realize their voice is being heard, it gives them progressive incentives to impart their insight. 

However, when you make changes depending on their input it shows that you truly care to convey the best item and client experience conceivable. 

Clients can turn out to be better customers when they gain from circumstances simply like their own. Enable your clients to cooperate by building a network between them. Facebook gatherings and online discussions are incredible approaches to manufacture networks inside your client base.

Find out how feedback can improve ecommerce sales.

Track data and analyze the analytics

Client inputs can be subjective sometimes. However, when it comes to numbers, they never lie. Regardless of whether it is perspectives, navigating rates, on-screen time, or transformation rates, incredible inbound advertising is information-driven. By contemplating the commitment of your clients, you can realize what qualified individuals are genuinely intrigued by and what made them convert. This information encourages you to distinguish patterns and holes and refine your procedure likewise to build transformations. You can likewise create a wide assortment of reports that are pertinent to various divisions of your association, so your whole group has understanding into what they can improve and where they’re now executing it.


Customers are the most integral part of your or any business round the globe. Customers are the reason that the business industry still exists. Keeping your customers happy is one of the major aspects of your business. Your customers are the reason your business has an identity. Without your customers, your business has no value or meaning. Therefore, you must make your customers happy and keep them satisfied. This will not help you to generate repeat sales but also bring in huge amounts of profits to your organization. This will also help you expand your business in the market. As long as you have your customer’s back, your company is going to outshine the others.

The main goal of inbound marketing is to maintain a relationship between brands and customers that is mutually beneficial for both parties. This allows you to have advantages that go far beyond just coupons and discounts. Keeping your customers is much more important than just getting paid from them. This helps your company to improve and grow. The happier your customers will, the more money they are willing to pay. It is a total win-win situation for your enterprise.

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