The rise of same-day and next-day delivery

The rise of same-day and next-day delivery

Ping, your order has arrived!

Don’t you like to read this notification whenever you place an order?

According to 43% of consumers, their post-delivery satisfaction is heavily influenced by purchases that are delivered on time.

And it’s like a cherry on top of a cake if it takes even less time!

Same-day and next-day delivery options are likely to make customers look out the window a lesser number of times because they know you’ll arrive on time.

These speedy deliveries and better supply chain facilities have changed the shipping landscape a lot. 

Consumers appreciate quick shipping a lot, and today we are here to convince you why you should dab your hand in these urban delivery options.

So without further ado, let’s weigh its pros and cons!

What is same-day delivery?

Oh, it’s not anything complicated. It’s just like the term ‘same-day’. Same-day shipping is the delivery of products within the same day you ordered them.

Let’s say you ordered a product right now. You’ll likely get the product delivered within 24 hours after purchasing them.

Same-day delivery combines the convenience of online shopping with the quickness of brick-and-mortar stores.

It’s one of the quickest delivery times that any business can offer. For example, Amazon Prime offers the option of same-day delivery to its customers. Isn’t it super convenient? 

What is next-day delivery?

On the other hand, next-day delivery is the delivery of goods the day after you placed an order.

It’s also known as 24-hour delivery and ensures that the product is on your doorstep within a day.

Offered in opposition to the standard 2 to 5-day service, brands follow the motto of ‘ordered today, delivered tomorrow’. 

If you are an Amazon Prime user, you would know one of the benefits of the membership is fast delivery.

However, same-day delivery is usually available only in large urban centers, unless the company is big enough to open multiple warehouses.

Also, unlike same-day delivery, next day delivery doesn’t have multiple cut-off times. 

But even if the same-day and next-day delivery options are convenient from the consumer end, are they viable from the producer end?

Let’s try to better understand the challenges and benefits of these shipment options. 

Challenges of same-day and next-day delivery in India

As much as the delivery options of same-day and next-day shipping are appealing to consumers, companies offering same-day delivery have to overcome many hurdles to ensure efficiency.

The delivery time is so minimal, that it increases the likelihood of any mishaps happening on the logistics end. 

Almost 45% of the consumers expect a maximum delivery window of 2 days and are likely to abandon shopping carts if the fulfillment is not fast enough.

Online shops that are unable to offer this service are likely to find lesser consumers being attracted to their shipment services.

However, as mentioned before, an e-commerce platform will have to overcome many challenges to make this possible. These include:

  • Distant location of e-commerce warehouses
  • Costly return policy 
  • Higher costs than standard 3-5 business days delivery
  • High operational costs
  • Time-consuming order processing
  • Improper and unsafe packaging
  • Inefficiency in last-mile delivery 

Sounds like a hassle, doesn’t it? But if you look at it closely, you’ll realize that most of the challenges come from the management of urgent delivery.

We are pretty sure you’ll get a hang of it with time. So, let’s look at some of the benefits of same-day and next-day delivery. 

6 Benefits of same and next day delivery

Usually, customers get discouraged whenever you ask them to pay extra for any service. But when it comes to need-based deliveries, they are quick to respond with affirmative.

As a firm set in a competitive market of various online shops and courier companies, you should make a provision for same-day and next-day delivery for the reasons mentioned below. 

1. Higher level of customer satisfaction 

Did you know that 74% of customers are likely to purchase a product simply because of a good consumer service experience?

A lot of products have a time frame within which they can be delivered, and enabling that option for the consumers to avail is likely to increase customer satisfaction. 

2. Lower inventory costs

Courier companies that utilize the delivery option of same-day shipping service, are likely to be able to store fewer daily inventories.

In simpler words, as goods enter and exit the warehouse quickly, it enhances the efficiency of the stock process and will need simple design systems for sorting through automation. Your benefit? Incurring lower expenditures! 

3. Less delay risk 

Due to advanced technologies, and real-time tracking, same-day logistics prevents high delay risks.

This is due to the availability of the product at the warehouse, making next-day delivery prompt and reducing delay risk.

Furthermore, as the product is available at the warehouse, you wouldn’t involve any local vendor to deliver the product. This will significantly reduce your cost as well. 

4. Building a trustworthy relationship 

Successful company = happy customers. This simple principle of equality will be known to all the e-commerce and brick-and-mortar businesses out there.

The day delivery services of same and next-day shipping just paint a layer of dependability and professionalism.

Once your customers know how efficient you are at these express deliveries, they are sure to recommend your courier services to other consumers!

5. Higher conversion rates

Who wouldn’t want to avail of courier services that deliver products in less than 24 hours? Everyone is out there looking for quick delivery options.

Customers are usually in a hurry to order a product and don’t want to waste their time going to a brick-and-mortar store for shopping.

So, next time they Google express delivery options, they’re likely to stumble upon your courier services. How cute that conversion is. 

6. Maintain a competitive edge 

E-commerce businesses are recognizing the benefits of same-day courier and on-demand shipping.

Hence, your business must provide the basics, if not more to maintain a competitive edge over other businesses in your vicinity. 


Did we manage to convince you? We hope so. 

Same-day and next-day delivery shipping services are likely to keep on increasing in the next few years.

It is predicted that 99% of retailers will offer these shipping services within the next three years.

Not to mention how fast delivery is used as a strategic necessity for every company to hold its market share. 

So, don’t wait further and start working on the e-commerce logistics behind these shipment services, and voila. More consumers will come to you to make purchases!

Courier aggregators in India