How to Grow your eCommerce Business with a Powerful Content Marketing Strategy?

growing an ecommerce business with effective content marketing

Let us now dive into the importance of content marketing and how it can benefit your eCommerce business to increase customer engagement.  There are many eCommerce business owners and online retailers that ignore the actual power of content marketing and how much they can drive sales. If you have good content and you have a good strategy to implement it in the market, then all other traffic-driving activities you do for your eCommerce store will work even better. The ‘Pay per click‘ or site optimization are excellent ways to drive customers to your site, but neither of the ways will work if you do not have good content. If your website lacks in good and interesting content, then customers won’t land up on your site in the first place. Therefore, there is no way that PPC will work if the customers are not able to find your website or are not landing on your particular site. 

Therefore, let us talk about how can you use content to increase your marketability and how you can build a strong content foundation so that it will help your lower your cost of acquisition, develop your brand for long-term, and improve your customer’s lifetime value.

What do you mean by content marketing?

Content Marketing is the basic strategy to put out solid content so that it can do the marketing for you in return. Any business can use this. Every single business out in the world from product to service to entrepreneur whatever can use content marketing. 

They should use content marketing because there’s such gold in holding the real estate for search engine key terms and things you want to talk about and things your audience wants to know about.

 So again, in a nutshell, content marketing is throwing all of your eggs to the content basket and letting that markets your service for you.

Content marketing is the new revolution in marketing aspects. The only key to it is putting out a ridiculous amount of content that would generate a huge amount of potential traffic and in turn, your business will no doubt reach the rooftop. There is a huge prospect for your business and brand promotion through content marketing. 

Many customers or individuals search for information rather than get sold right away. So, it’s important to analyze what kind of content is expected by the viewers and what content could engage them in your site. It’s a simple strategy but you just need to know the proper trick of traffic engagement.

Why Traditional Marketing is an obsolete concept now?

In traditional marketing, you would put your money and time into Facebook ads or google ads or put your time into print ads or billboards or newspapers or whatever and in return, those have a direct correlation to who comes in and who purchases from you. And then there’s also an added piece of word-of-mouth. 

So basically, you put your services out in the world and you do well and as a matter of fact, people tell their friends about it. All these things are bundled into traditional marketing.

But content marketing is different and doesn’t follow the same concept. Content Marketing is about putting out a huge amount of free content and when it comes back, it comes back as paid money. What happens is that this content which you are putting out is acting as the way that peoples are getting to know you.

 The people don’t have to visit your store, they don’t have to call you if your content is letting them get to know you quicker and in an easier way. Now in addition to that, it is serving as a way for you to show off your teaching skills.

How to use content marketing today to stand out?

It is more challenging now to truly stand-out from the huge marketing crowd. The competition is so high that you cannot assume that if your content is good or average then it can make a stand-out for your eCommerce business. You need to strategic in how to use your content and when to use your content. Publishing a normal 1000-word blog that might interest your customer doesn’t make that of a cut these days. In today’s landscape of content marketing, there is extreme competition and an incredible race to the peak in terms of how much individuals are willing to pay or offer through content creation and in terms of the amount of the free value brands. 

Therefore, the question is what else you could do to make your brand stand out in such a crowded market place? The bright side of the situation is that it is possible to rise above your competitors through excellent content. All you need to do is strategize it well. 

Let us take an example of a content marketer and blogger, Ryan Robinson. He has recently posted an article on how to start a blog. Now see this particular content has millions of searches and billions of competitors are striving for that top spot, Robinson has easily climbed up the top search pages of results in just a few months. How was this possible? By going beyond and way above the value of the free piece provided by other contents in this specific subject. He went all out with his content and he posted this at a crucial time when people would be searching for similar stuff as such. You need to understand that coming up with content will have to value if you don’t know when to post exactly. Timing is a very big factor when you are trying to drive sales through content marketing. Also, the content had more than 20,000 words and that ruled out all the other content that was available in the same subject matter.

Above all these factors, Robinson’s post also contained audiovisuals and videos to explain the embedded tutorial, some interview demo, and screenshots of his real-time results, information on the same, customized info graphs, audio recording, downloadable free templates, and a dept guide for those to proceed with their further education on building blogs.

The main thing that you need to learn from this example is that you need to push through the quality bar if you want to take your content marketing strategy ahead.

What are the elements that you need to focus on before start writing your content?

The biggest challenge that you face when you target your audience is to keep them engaged with your content. For that, you do need to provide them with something that makes them believe that your site can help to solve their particular problems. If you can provide free content to your prospective audience that helps them to solve their problem immediately, then you give them that confidence to choose you and invest in your site when it comes to certain paid tools, resources. And solutions on that particular subject. All you need to do is convince your customers initially that your site can be helpful for them when they need some real-time solutions to their problems. Therefore, the question is how can you proceed with identifying every bit of hurdles and challenges and then transform it into a functional content that will engage your customers? Lets us see some of the things that you need to do before writing your blog:

Ask your customers or audience

You need to communicate with your existing audience. You need to conduct a certain interview with your existing audience asking them what are the challenges they face and what answers they look for. Then take their answers as a potential guide for your future contents that you provide on the site. This will be also helpful in the long run when you need to prioritize the features for your product. Always remember customer obsession should be one of the primary things that your business should hold as a principle. Without your customer, your business will lose its identity. Therefore, it is always best to go according to your customers first. You can get a lot of ideas at hand by receiving feedbacks and reviews from your customers. They will only help you to provide content that will engage the audience to your site.

Thoroughly research the competitors you have

The next important thing is to assess your competitors. What problems are they solving for the customers? What question are they asking their customers? And lastly, how are they engaging their customers? Then after assessing all this focus on creating something that can be more valuable and unique than your competitors. To be able to engage your customers with content writing strategy, you need to create something very unique that will make stand out from your competitors. If you are providing with same or less unique content than your competitors, then there is no point in choosing you.

Dig into your own past experiences

You came into this industry and built your business. That means something. You did not just pop out from nowhere. You needed to fight your way in. Therefore, you have learned a thing or two about the business industry. There is a high chance that there are some unique experiences up your pocket that you can share through content for audiences that would want to replicate the success you have gotten so far.

Social media marketing: An effective content strategy

Today, associations have a vast amount of data at their fingertips ant it highly influences their way of conducting business across the board. From pinpointing new product opportunities to potential new customers, content is becoming very essential in both business and marketing efforts. However, this expedition’s influx of information can be a double-edged sword making it essential to identify and analyze the correct information. It is much harder to get that particular modulation and contextual understanding through the pure volume of data. This where social media marketing becomes relevant. It will assist your brand to all modulations and help your business to reach heights.

Millions of people find product recommendations through internet services which together with social media sites is becoming a key part of any business.

This why social media monitoring is necessary. Social Media Optimization is looking at your website from the perspective of a social media consumption, and try to figure out what elements on your site could potentially be optimized.

Some of the major social media platforms that work wonders for your business are:


Instagram Marketing is using Instagram for the promotion of particular brand items or products. It is used by organizations for the promotion of their business and to increase traffic and engagement in their site. It is a social networking app to share photos and videos. It is a smartphone-oriented app where you can share your information in terms of photos and videos you share. There are billions of people on Instagram today and there are millions of companies that are striving hard to come to the surface through Instagram. The Instagram analytics are very tricky, but if you can create worthy contents you will be surfaced on the market. Therefore, it very crucial to use a social media platform like Instagram to put out your content, where the engagement is huge.


Twitter Marketing is aimed at crowd funders that want to supercharge their Twitter follower growth rate and crowdfunding page referrals. Twitter marketing can help you reach a hyper-targeted and engaged audience for your crowdfunding campaign. In today’s urgent fashion we can’t even function without social media. Every aspect of the business is related to social media today. Social media has become a necessary go-to source for brand promotion and digital marketing. Twitter forms a major threshold of social media today. Any kind of worldly happenings is first found on twitter. It keeps you updated about every bits and piece of breaking news on every aspect. An acute brief on twitter marketing is a must-have for content marketing. 


Facebook has always been a great platform for the marketing and business industry. People are mostly engrossed in social media nowadays. You can use this platform very strategically to put out your content in the form of videos and articles. People are going to visit your channel and if you can provide them with something on their first visit, then their revisit to your is assured. Even your customers can bring in more customers by referring them to their close ones. Facebook has been a very sustainable platform from the very beginning and the amount of content you will find on Facebook is uncountable. Therefore, to stand-out, you need to provide your customers with something unique. The competition rate at this platform is huge. If you can’t more unique and valuable that your competitors, then you won’t be able to survive in the market.


In recent times YouTube is a very sustainable platform. Everyone is just going wild with this new sensational platform. It has become an income source for hundreds and thousands of people now. Making videos for a living has become an accrual concept. It seems as flashing as it sounds. In this wild time, where YouTube has become so popular, business organizations can’t just sit back without grabbing the opportunities of it. The promotion of brands through YouTube videos has become a very common and popular way. YouTube marketing is putting out your content in the form of videos that provide a wide range of promotions for your business in the form of views. The more is the view the more targeted audience comes in closer with your brand. The only key to its success is patience. Putting out videos is simple but getting a voracious amount of engagement is slightly a different story. It needs lots of effort and more importantly lots of content before you make your presence visible in this platform. Then comes the marketing part. You have to be keen enough to know what people fall for. After analyzing the wants of the common masses, you have to put video contents accordingly. You should use this platform to put out your content as the engagement on this platform is huge and it is been like this for a long time now. However, the level of competition is enormous. You need to be unique to flourish in this platform.

Pay per click: An important element of content marketing

When you are looking to find users from paid search or display advertisements, businesses of any size can leverage this channel to reach interested prospects. It can use it to discover valuable and measurable traffic without wasting valuable advertising expenditure. It buys online traffic on search engines such as Google, Bing, etc. Paid searches drive potential customer engagement. You can also choose where and the buying funnel you want to reach users, so you might want to increase the number of people who are aware of your company. So, when you look at your business and this whole buying funnel, you can use paid search to direct users based upon where they are on that buying funnel. 

pay per click is based on three R’s and you can strategize your content according to these three factors:


It provides that reach of potential customers. You can strategize your content in a way that customers would find it interesting and click on it, making your reach count high every second.


With relevance, people are already looking for you by typing in keywords. By providing relevant content when you are already in the spotlight, then the pay per click comes into action. It helps you to stay relevant and also provides you with a certain amount whenever someone clicks on your content. In this industry, it is very important to stay relevant over time. This is all that matters in the long run.

Return on investment

And of course, because all this is so measurable you can make sure you are getting good returns from your paid search. You can assess your content quality by analyzing the ROI of your content and later improve the quality of the same in the future. However, consistency is very important. You should be careful enough while you are thinking of new ideas to change your content pattern.

How can you advertise your content through PPC campaigns?

You can gain enormous traffic using PPC campaigns. However, you need to be certain about your plan about what you are going to do with this enormous traffic. Are you aiming at driving sales? Or you are aiming at solidifying your business in the marketplace? Or you just want to build up the email list?

Your goals and objectives for carrying out a PPC campaign or e-commerce SEO will determine the elements of how you are going to set up your campaigns or how long you will be running it. Usually, these campaigns are aimed at long-term investments rather than some immediate strategy for generating revenue. PPC can also be used to determine what content you can target in the long run based on the test results. For sites like eCommerce business sites, you can use PPC to tweak and test the conversion rates of the products. The process in which the things are positioned on the page, the description of the product, the content, the shipping information, the return policies, about us page, whether or not you have a cell number at the top and safe symbols of the websites like BBB and SSL images, etc. All these mentioned things can have an impact on the conversion rates. 

This could make a huge difference between just making some money and making unbelievable money. Therefore, you need to be absolutely what you want to make. Typically, the conversion rates for an eCommerce range from 1% to 3%. Thus, if you are an average eCommerce business or store you can get about 1 sale for every 100 visitors. Now, if you could go a little further and make it 2 sales for every 100 customers, then you have increased your conversion rate to 3 %. Every small change has a huge impact on the bottom line. Using the pay per click method to gain customers is no rocket science but working on the conversion rates is a whole other story. It is as important as driving sales.

Increasing customer loyalty through content marketing

The importance of customer loyalty in business is indescribable. You can go as far as to say that without a potential base of customers your business is almost non-existential. Every successful business knows the worth of valuable customers. They can lead the business to a marvelous height. Without having customer loyalty your business cannot reach the peak of success. Gaining customer loyalty is one of the most important aspects of a business. It is important to set up a loyal customer base with proper engagement. Your company’s most valuable asset is its potential customers and their perspective about your company. Three terms are most essential in the business that is customer loyalty, customer retention, and a repeat of sales. These three terms are all intertwined. Customer retention leads to brand loyalty, and which in turn leads the organization to consumer loyalty. The consumer is more likely to buy more from a brand or company they trust. Loyal customers are arguably the most important factor in achieving business success. From customer loyalty comes repeat business and more opportunities for more sales. The major strategy in increasing customer loyalty is keeping it personal and always following up.

  • First, put out some free content that can be helpful to your customers. After your customers feel that your content has helped them solve their issue or they have found something interesting, then only they will be invested with your site and business.
  • Then gradually, start putting out paid contents. If your customers are assured about your content, they will be interested in investing in the content that you put out.
  • After you have gained enough trust and loyalty from potential customers, then you can come into full-fledged paid content that can help your customers. In this way, you will maintain your consistency of excellent customer engagement with proper ROI.
  • Note that it is very important to gain your customer’s trust initially.

Benefits of Content Marketing

  • Content Marketing helps you to attract and engage your ideal audience.
  • It serves as a medium to show off your teaching skills.
  • Good content drives numerous customers to your site.
  • Content Marketing helps you channelize your site at your comforts and in a way that fits you the best.
  • Content Marketing helps your customer to know you more quickly and easily rather than verbal communications.


Content marketing is a great way to drive sales and increase engagement, as long as you know what you need to put out that will engage your targeted audience. If you follow through all the strategies before you put out something on the site, then you are good to go. Always remember to go with your customer’s insights.

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