Unlock 1.0: iThink Logistics Resumes Shipping of eCommerce Goods in Red, Orange & Green Zones


After the most recent update by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) on 30th May 2020, declaring a partial unlock of the progressing lockdown, they have additionally reported significant relaxations in specific regions. 

The restriction on the transportation of unnecessary things has been lifted from all regions in the nation. These incorporate locales that go under the Red, Orange, and Green zones as determined by the GoI in the letter dated 30th May 2020, gave by the Ministry of Home Affairs. 

No eCommerce conveyances are permitted in the containment zones. 

We would like to let you know that iThink Logistics will continue the transportation of non essential things in the Red, Orange, and Green zones (ALL ZONES) from 8th June 2020.

On the off chance that you need to continue transporting with us, contact your Key Account Managers at the most punctual so we can mastermind pickups. In case you don’t have a relegated account director, connect with our help group at sales@ithinklogistics.com we’ll put forth a valiant effort to get you on target.

Some important courier guidelines

Courier Partner Guidelines 

The pickup time for FedEx is 2 PM and you can demand pickups till 12 PM. Generously help out pickup operators and get ready shipments as needs are. Likewise, FedEx will complete contactless conveyances and Prepaid shipments to evade COVID-19 transmission. 

Shipment Processing 

  • The delivery procedure continues as before. You should simply sign in to your record and update orders like before 
  • Delivery of both essential and non-essential things is open from 20th May 2020 for each one of those dealers who have serviceable pin codes endorsed by our partners.
  • You can continue the transportation of nonessential things in the red, orange, and green zones. 
  • Kindly keep your shipment prepared at the hour of pickup to maintain a strategic distance from any postponements or operational pressure. 
  • Keep the necessary administrative work and receipt handy at the hour of pickup. Kindly mention the classification and items on the mark when delivering essential goods.
  • Follow headings spread out by the GOI and keep up appropriate measures of cleanliness and disinfection.

Our courier partners

  • Delhivery Surface (500 GM, Standard 5KG, Lite 2KG)
  • FedEx (Surface, Surface Lite, Surface 1KG)
  • Xpressbees 
  • Aramex

Here is the list of serviceable pin codes

State Pickup Pincodes Delivery Pincodes
Andhra Pradesh16941690
Arunachal Pradesh520
Dadra And Nagar Haveli1617
Daman & Diu1010
Himachal Pradesh17131945
Jammu & Kashmir82110
Madhya Pradesh12321221
Tamil Nadu32193229
Uttar Pradesh21102126
Grand Total2683627271

Please note that due to the global pandemic there might be a delay in response from the iThink Logistics support team. Shipment might also be delayed due to national lockdown. We are strictly sticking to government regulations to ensure the complete safety of everyone.

We will abide by the guidelines of the local administration in every region that we operate to ensure maximum protection of everyone involved.

Connect with us online on support@ithinklogistics.com to get faster solutions for your issues and concerns.

Our services will resume as normal after the lockdown is lifted. Till the time we request you stay at home and practice social distancing.


Looking for an e-commerce shipping solution? Get started with iThink Logistics