10 ideas worth trying for customer happiness!

customer delight ideas

It is always a better idea to retain your existing customers. Customer happiness is something more than just meeting their needs.

Customer happiness is all about creating an outstanding experience for your customers. It is the factor behind the idea of life-long and loyal customers.

These ten ideas for customer happiness have the potential to boost your e-commerce business retaining existing customers while opening doors for the pool of new customers.

1. Send personalized “Thank You” notes

People prefer individual treatment rather than a standard approach, and your customers are no exception. Imagine you get a personalised note along with the product box from the brand you just purchased a jewelry from for yourself or your loved one. That smirk and aww after seeing that note is customer happiness.

This customer delight idea is pretty much simple. Every time a new customer purchase from you, send them a handwritten note thanking them for being part of their business and growth.

This simple tactic goes a long way in this automation era.

It is a great way to show gratitude and create a fantastic impression on your new customer.

This zero cost customer delight idea is worth trying. Every week go through your order list and pick one customer to thank on twitter (if not twitter than any preferable social media channel).

Pick customers who are actively using social media. Mention them on your social profile saying a heartily thank you which showcases the customer happiness and satisfaction to the other customers.

This way you can make them feel special by showing gratitude and care.

Find and respond to them who are talking about you on various social media platforms.

By carrying out this tactic on a regular basis is a great way to show your current and future customers.

3. Follow what your customers are posting on social media. Surprise them!

Go the extra mile and follow your customers who are posting regularly. If you see an opportunity to greet them or send them a gift based on something you see in a story shared by them. This may sound strange to you, but can create positive brand exposure and generate a positive buzz about your brand.

4. Have guts to say “Sorry” when something goes wrong.

  • Be grateful to your customers when they buy from you, also, listen to them when something goes wrong. Send an email stating how this problem occurred and what all measures you are going to take to solve the same.
  • Be bold. Accept your mistake and apologize for the same. Take corrective actions and give your customers surety.
    Address their queries openly and honestly. Genuinely solve their problems.
  • When a customer is giving you feedback, acknowledge that, whether it is positive or negative.
  • Make sure you are responding to each and every feedback.

5. The random free shipping day

Let’s admit this, people hate paying for the shipping charges. This is the primary reason why many people leave the shopping cart abandoned.

Make your customers smile by delighting them with free shipping.

Show your loyal customers that you appreciate the contributions they are making to your growth.

Run a small campaign by inviting your customers to shop without paying for the shipping costs.

This not only rewards the existing customers but also attracts new customers.

6. Introduce referral program

A referral program is something which makes your customer feel rewarded for telling a friend about your company and its products.

Offer substantial discounts, freebies, and vouchers to your customers to promote your brand.

It promotes loyalty to your existing customers and also helps you get new customers.

Think of the best referral program out there. Carefully draft your referral program and reward your customers.

Remember, customers like a loyalty program as long as you make them seem easy.

Keep it smooth for your customer to refer and earn. Do not make it too complicated for your customer to understand and achieve the reward.

7. Welcome email with availability promise

Delighting customers doesn’t always have to be about sending free gifts, giving discounts.

Sometimes it is as simple as being available to your customers as and when they need you.

Here what you need to do is send your customers a welcome email once they register with your website. Mention about your customer service and support statement.

Inform your customers about your quick customer care support. Invite them to reach out to you when they need your help or have a question about your offerings.

But my friend,

Do not make any commitment to your customers unless you are in a position to keep them.

8. Personalized email from CEO, owner

Have you ever walked into a restaurant and a staff member immediately recognise you?

It would be a pretty good feeling.

When customers feel personalised, they feel connected to your company.

Sending well-personalised email especially from someone from the management of the company delivers some serious value to your customers.

“No matter how far in front you get in front of competitors, you are still behind your customers. They are always pulling you along,” – Jeff Bezos, Founder & CEO Amazon.

9. Help customers learn something new

Your audience unquestionably does not want you to sell something to them.

Work with your customers to achieve something together.

Help your customers learn something new form your content marketing efforts.

You can use blog, webinars, product videos to help people make the most of your products.

For example, if you are selling a scarf for women, publish a video on how to wear a scarf in different and stylish ways!

Quite simple right?

Let me tell you, it really works.

Here you are just not selling a product but also its usability, helping customers with the latest trends and options to use your products.

10. Be creative. Make them laugh

Here what you can do is, take help of creative minds from your team.

Create personalised graphics for your customers and send them into their mailbox.

You can send a Photoshop version of them with a newly released movie star/poster.

You don’t necessarily be creative or out of the box to deliver such creativity. Just look around and there you go.

Put yourself in a shoe of your customer. Think about all small things that could make you smile and happy.

Do not forget to thank the one who makes it happen.

Without a happy team, you cannot make your customers happy.

Keep your team especially your customer service team happy.

Reward them for the excellent work they are doing.

Appreciate them!

Your internal customers are as valuable as your external customers.

You need a happy team to make your customer delight with its service.

Final word

Customer delight ideas are not just to please to your customers to convince them to buy from you repeatedly, it is more than that.

It creates a long lasting impression of your brand in customers’ mind.

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